Gay for God
On the television show, "It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia," the cast member Charlie makes a comment about his love for God. When I heard it I almost peed my pants with laughter. In regards to the comment, please to do send me hate mail. Enjoy!
Here's a confession. I'm in love with a man. What? I'm in love with a man. A man called God! Does that make me gay? Am I "gay for God"? You betcha!
Here's a confession. I'm in love with a man. What? I'm in love with a man. A man called God! Does that make me gay? Am I "gay for God"? You betcha!
- Charlie Day from the TV show, "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
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I just saw the clip you were talking about. It was freakin' hilarious.
Posted by Dustin | 6:39 PM