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Tuesday, August 01, 2006 

Transparent Love

Evidence supports that many Christians evaluate their spirituality by the time they have spent reading their Bibles, how much money they are giving back to the clergies, or a certain linguistic style in prayer, but these people are missing the point. Religious faces across America pronounce an ascetic lifestyle that is built on idealistic, perfectionist, and the oppression to be always right. The compulsiveness to be perfect before they are accepted by God is like a cancerous disease that infects the whole body of Christ.

Legalists perform such tasks that make it appear they are clean, but their souls are vomiting condemnation. They do not feel accepted until they feel proven worthy. This concept is foreign in the eyes of our Lord, Jesus Christ. A disciple of Christ struggles to maintain the shadow of God’s love throughout his life, but centuries after centuries, love has never been so diluted with so much injustice. The pharisaical attitude in keeping the law is an endless path met with discouragement and failure.

For what it is worth, God’s love is never ending, always proceeding, and abounding. Divine acceptance is not bought by one’s behavior; rather it was purchased on the cross of Christ. Blaming and accusing others will not help the situation. The intuition of man’s soul is to counter every misguided deed with another deed that is good. This repulsive circle will only leave a person tired and eventually dead.

Do not let the burdens of shame and failure disconnect you from your first Love. Jesus thought of you as the nails pierced his hands and feet. He took it all, and that my friends, is transparent love.

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  • "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us"
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