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Thursday, April 05, 2007 

Today's Church pt 7

Passion for people has to be the number one goal in the life of a Church. It drives the establishments of nightlife in towns and cities. Why does it change in the Church? There is no difference. One problem is that a significant number of evangelical churches focus inwardly, not outwardly.[1] 8 out of 10 churches think primary ministry takes place inside the Church, instead of outside in the world.[2] The silence of Christians may be one of the greatest tragedies in the Church today. The Church must be comfortable with the society they live among, in order for the society to be comfortable with the Church. In the Kingdom of God, comfort zones cease to exist.

Today’s Church has the attitude of what can the Church do for me. They take on an ego-centric approach to the Church instead of an altruistic-centric approach. This mentality is dreadful. Most Christians do not have broken hearts for the lost souls of this world. They have gotten too comfortable sitting in the same pew they have been sitting in for the last decade. If they did care for unbelievers, they would take whatever time was necessary to get to know them and to share the love of Christ. Christians have become disobedient and lackadaisical in their relationship with Christ.[3] It is messy to get to know someone that is not a believer. Their values are different, but that does not change the challenge that is set before the Church. Christians need to know people who are lost. Clement Attlee says, “We cannot create a heaven inside and leave a hell outside, and expect to survive.”[4]

Thom Rainer states, “One of the key reasons we do not reach the unchurched is that most Christians in America are members of churches that do not reach the unchurched.”[5] 9 out of 10 American adults cannot accurately define the meaning of the “Great Commission.”[6] Reality TV has become more of a concern than people going to hell. Shows like The Bachelor and Bachelorette, The Real-World, and American Idol have become the focal attention getters today. Top-rated prime-time television has become the focal point that captures Christians instead of going to a prayer service to pray for unbelievers. Therefore, the world’s greatest gift is close to becoming the world’s greatest secret.[7]

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[1] Aubrey Malphurs, Planting Growing Churches for the 21st Century (Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1998), 169.
[2] Klopp, 93.
[3] Rainer, 33.
[4] Sweet, Mañana: Is Your Church Ready to Seize Tomorrow?, 119.
[5] Rainer, 230.
[6] George Barna, Evangelism That Works: How to Reach Changing Generations with the Unchanging Gospel (Ventura: Regal Books, 1995), 35.
[7] Barna, Evangelism That Works: How to Reach Changing Generations with the Unchanging Gospel, 24.

You make a great point. It's sad to say that the mega-church movement has only succeeded in perpetuating this attitude.

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