This quote is from the book "Messy Spirituality". The author challenged me to reseek the scandalous grace I once stumbled upon. I am a work in progress. Enjoy!
The spiritual life is not just about rules and regulations, teaching and theology, lectures and sermons. Life with Jesus is meant to be lived, not smothered, dissected, inspected, or condemned.
- Michael Yaconelli
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Good quote! We get so caught up in the do's and don'ts thinking that they are what make us right in the eyes of God . . . go to church, read your Bible, pray, don't smoke, drink, cuss . . . as if it is in the doing or the not doing of things that we find righteousness. Our righteousness in not based on our ability (thank God!) to follow the "rules of the faith", but in the person of Christ. It is based on our connection with Him. It's not about what we do, but about who we know.
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Posted by Anonymous | 8:43 PM