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Wednesday, June 21, 2006 

The Kingdom of God

Due to a youth event, I did not post on Tuesday. But I redeem myself by posting today.

Jesus and his companions proclaimed and enacted the Kingdom of God throughout their ministry. Regrettably, people of God today have mistaken the meaning of the phrase “Kingdom of God” as being a future event or eschatological language. But Jesus’ discernible words and actions presumes, but argued, that there is a divine will for this earth to partake in the Kingdom of God right now.

Jesus participated in a nonviolent resistance manner to the persecutions and scoffers in the name of the Kingdom of God. He literally turned the cheek to the imperial injustice and Jewish militia. The rebellion to violence made Jesus an exceptional prophet and teacher who preached a profound vision between the tension of war and peace.

Looking back to the first century era, many things have changed. The Kingdom of God now is not a matter of peace and love, rather it is an edict to do anything we want in the name of God, specifically the practices of hatred, violence, and unjust oppression to the abused and poor. Revenge could have been humanly successful for Jesus. He could have composed an elite army to attack his foes.

Jesus died under mocking indictments and radical allegations. Jesus, who was considered a threat to society, located the Kingdom of God as he hung on the wooden tree above his enemies. He did not advocate war or killing, rather he activated peace and love as he took the nails.

If we inserted Jesus into our community, the accurate assumption to make would be: we facilitate the complete opposite of Jesus’ ethics and moral kingdom. Instead of forgiving, we hold grudges until we hate. Instead of turning the cheek, we bare our knuckles in defense. Instead of loving our enemy, we rape them with our words. We have fallen short to the beautiful vision and remarkable picture Jesus performed on the cross. That vision has been lost. The sword we should bear is love. When this day happens, the Kingdom of God is shown to all people, and there I will see the face of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

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