Cannon Ball
Early in the morning, Jesus stood on the shore, but the disciples did not realize that it was Jesus. He called out to them, “Friends, haven’t you any fish?” “No,” they answered. Then the disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, “It is the Lord!” As soon as Simon Peter heard him say. “It is the Lord,” he wrapped his outer garment around him and jumped into the water.
What is so remarkable about this text? Is it that Jesus appeared once again to His disciples? How about the fact that Jesus vanquished death? Or, was it the extraordinary and passionate love Simon Peter felt when he heard that his Lord was waiting for him on the shore? I attest and hold to all the answers, but Simon Peter’s desire to see his Savior once again led him to jump into the water and swim moves me.
I love it. Peter was so overwhelmed with joy that he could not wait on the turtle like speed of the boat. He swam the remaining 100 yards. To him, the wait was unbearable. To delay any longer would mean that his soul would anguish with despair. He had to go! His inner part of his soul was so deeply moved that it made him do something crazy. With clothes on, he dove into the water. Not an ounce of pride. Only some wet clothes and a cool story to write about, Peter found what he was looking for.
Jesus is waiting on the shore. He wants us to jump. If we are in sync with the melody of His heart, then we will claw our way out of the boat to see what He is going to do next. Peter, being so besieged, cannon balled himself into the water and swam to the shore just to be intimate with his Lord, Savior, Messiah, and friend. Will you jump with me?
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Great thoughts, Poindexter. You always impress with how deeply you can look within a passage and extract meaning.
Posted by Dustin | 2:49 PM
That passage is one of my favorites too. Well said.
Posted by AJ | 11:27 PM