Amazing Grace
"Satan may condemn us every day, but God will never condemn us again. In fact, all our sins are forgiven. Our past sins are forgiven to free us from the penalty of sin. Our present sins are forgiven so that we are no longer in bondage to the power of sin. And our future sins are forgiven to liberate us from the presence of sin. Our past is forgiven, our present is free from condemnation, and our future is certain.
That's what makes God's grace so amazing - Jesus agreed to pay for every sin so every sinner might be ransomed. The death of the innocent, on behalf of the guilty, satisfied the wrath of the just." 1 John 2:2 states, "He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world."
author - Jeff Adams, a freelance writer from Kingman, Arizona
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